Gasocolic To Buy

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Gas cartridges are special design aggregates designed to clean up the hay and landing areas.


Main types of gasoline:

  • mechanical - non-self-propelled models, displacement is carried out through the physical efforts of the operator;
  • Electrical, power-operated;
  • Gasoline equipped with petrol engine;
  • battery--- batteries.

Mechanical gasoline have low cost, small weight and simple design, are the most ecological and are used to handle small flat surfaces. The principle of their operation is simple - the operator in the rear pushes the aggregates, the wheels start to move and drive the steep knives. Their exploitation requires a minimum of material costs (no need to be spent on fuel or electricity), but sufficient labour is required to ensure that the aggregation is moved to a person ' s physical effort. The problem is partly addressed by the installation of a strong ergonomic steering apparatus and large-diameter wheels.

Gas cars are the most popular thanks to power and mobility. May be used on large areas with any type of surface. Their shortcomings are high weight and high noise, as well as the toxicity of engine exhausts.

Electrical gasolines are green, small and simple. The main flaws are relatively low power compared to petrol models and the availability of power lines that restrict movement. Models are not recommended for wet weather to avoid electrical current damage.

Accumulative models have light design, easy to control, but their duration is limited to a battery charge, which is 20 to 30 minutes of continuous operation. The charge takes a few hours.

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