Trimmers For Weed

I'm a man of a delicate mental organization and when I'm sharp. ♪ ♪.
Бензиновые триммеры
I'm a man of a thin shower organization, and when I'm being stunned, I'm stunning the floor, hitting the brakes, starting to screw up, fussing, hysterizing and doing things that I'm ashamed of, and the places are hurting.
Yesterday, suddenly, I remembered killing a trimmer, and I have to try to reconstruct it, the grass on the belt and start to tickle another time when you're defelling in your families, so I went to the store, the good there and the toilet with water procedures, and I look like dirty subtles all over my face.
I washed, I washed naturally, with all the different, beautiful tools for those who have hands outside the back, and I just forgot why I walked in without a purpose, touching, screaming, and it makes me look a little bit too easy to sell the stuff in the face, and I'm gonna sniff my mouth around the night. To calm down, I'm buying ice cream, and I'm thinking about sharing the idea with the architectorizer of all time, that I, with appetite licking the ice cream, and I'm doing it.
Literally, in half a milliseconds, the answer comes to me, and the car and a little trolley of my inconsciousness, vulgarity and nebulbism and, in fact, because of my melting, I'm gonna have to go from my head to my leg and paint a red strip across and even along, but they're gonna be a little bit of my taste.
I'm sending a picture of a quarter milliseconds coming up with a lion's ring: Come on!
From that scream, I'm losing, my hands are shaking, in the head of the mist, in front of my eyes, circles, and ignoring what I'm doing, like and why I'm going after the cashier, with a bunch of café, debts, credits, and a mortgage to the pile! Colonel Koxoff is a nick!
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