
A short list of the main achievements of Soviet power itself. ♪ ♪.
Триммеры и мотокосы

Given the recent increase in anti-Soviet propaganda, I suggest you a short list of the main achievements of the Soviet authorities immediately after the October Revolution.

So what good did the Bolsheviks do:


It was with the Soviet authorities that the working day was reduced to eight hours, the working week was gradually reduced, annual paid leave was introduced, including maternity and childcare leave, old age, disability and so on.

From the working barracks (with a few floors) and nights, workers moved first to communal flats and hostels with convenience, then it was possible to provide free, small but separate apartments with cheap public services.


Since the adoption of the Land Registry, all citizens have the right to use the land, provided that they are treated with their labour, family or companionship without work, on the basis of equal land use, with the free choice of its forms, including arts.

Under the Land Secretary, the Russian peasants received free 150 million tens of land, were exempted from the payment of 700 million roubles of gold annually for land leases and from land debts that had reached 3 billion roubles by that time. The promulgation of the Land Decree has provided extensive support to the Soviet authority by peasantry.

Furthermore, peasantry was organized in cartoons and melioration; if hunger occurred in pre-revolutionary Russia every 7 to 15 years, the social phenomenon was gradually eliminated in the USSR.


On 11 July 1918, the Council of the People ' s Commissioners adopted the decree " Establishment of the People ' s Health Commissariat " , the first highest State body to unite all the health sector in the country.

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