Electrical Gardener

Today ' s state of the environment has resulted in the majority of green sediments requiring surface fertilizer, chemical protection against pests insects and a range of diseases affecting the development and fertility of plants. If it is not a room flow melt, the best instrument is a garden electrical or gasoline dispenser, a retractor. The battery power supply is environmentally harmless and quiet. Compared with a manual dispenser, you are free from frequent physical manipulations to maintain the atmospheric pressure required for a strong and uniform dispensation. The main advantages of electrical and accumulators over gasoline sprayers are low noise, not limiting you to working close to bees. No gasoline and simplicity. Depending on the manufacturer ' s brand and model, Electrical injections The capacity of the liquid tank, the power of the electric motor and the battery, the spray range. In addition to the rankings, there are models of manual cartridges with a large tank volume and battery charge.
Buy the best gardeners, battery, gasoline and electricity for the Dach and the House at the Gazon and Tehnik, with delivery to Moscow, Volgograd, St. Petersburg, Rastovna Donu, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorodov, Jabrovsk,