Best Moto Cultivator

Choose a motocule
Лучший мотокультиватор Кентавр

1Motors - indispensable human assistants in garden and garden processing, farms. They swallow the soil without reversing the plastic, equat its surface, bleach the sea grass and mix the fertilizers equally with the land. Most motors are equipped with a petrol engine.


Motoccult species

Depending on the weight of the device and the power, the motulators shall be divided into four types:

The aggregate weight does not exceed 20 kg, the engine power is up to 3 horsepower (s.l.). It's possible to rust the ground to a depth of up to 8 cm, with the cape of 20 to 30 cm wide. This mobility enables the streaming and missing of the site in the narrowest and therefore difficult areas.neva The pen in super-light moto cultivators is demovable, which can easily be transported both in public transport and in the car trunk. A two-stroke (fuel gasoline and oil mixtures) or a four-stroke engine (net gasoline). This type of equipment is designed to handle small areas.

This type of moto cultivators can move between 2, 5 and 4, 5 l. s., with a weight of 40 kg. The pulp depth of the ground is 15 to 20 cm, the width of the plate is 20 to 40 cm. Engine, like in the first case two-stroke and four-stroke. Apparat is easily disposed of and transported, and it is designed to cultivate 3-12 plots of land.krot The main weakness of the light motholivators is that the freza can slide into the ground.

The technician of this class is bigger. Its weight varies between 45 and 60 kg, the engine gives 4-6 horsepower. Such motors are much more comfortable in their work, as they are more sustainable. They raise a range of 40-85 cm wide, pneumonous soil at 25-28 cm deep. However, this advantage becomes a significant gap when it comes to working in close and difficult places. The aggregate is equipped with a four-stroke engine and a larger diameter brace. Additional front and rear gears installed increase the manoeuvrability of equipment. It can also be combined with the occupier and plug by replacing the tarp with the ground-chained metal wheels. The motors of this species are easy to process areas of up to 50 juice.

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